Sunday, 28 February 2010

Say NO to GMO!

Down with Monsanto!

Saturday, 20 February 2010

The legacy of the most dangerous speaker of America: William Cooper

Former Naval Intelligence Officer and a man dedicated to reveal hidden hustling of the Secret Government. Eventually, this task would lead to premature death, just after the 11-S, when he was talking about false flag operation , blaming the US Government, moreover, months before the 9/11 he predicted the attack, blaming no one but the government.

Friday, 19 February 2010

"The Gerson Miracle", another MUST SEE documentary.

In 1928, Dr. Max Gerson, a German-Jewish researcher, stumbled upon a therapy that has cured tens of thousands of people worldwide since then, including patients's previously thought incurable by their doctors. For the first time, this film chronicles the epic true story of Gerson's miracle.

With no doubt a revolutionary documentary and information that THEY don't want you to know.
Read the Reviews. WATCH IT HERE.

"Fathead", a must see documentary,

A comedian replies to the "Super Size Me" /LIES/ crowd by losing weight on a fast-food diet (including plenty of double-cheeseburgers and fried chicken) while demonstrating that almost everything you think you know about the obesity "epidemic" and healthy eating is wrong.

This movie is funny and entertaining and amazingly informative. Contradicts everything you've ever been told about diet and heart disease with true science to back it up.

Funny and smart, you'll be hard pressed to spend a more enlightening 100 minutes, and you'll come away with more practical knowledge than a whole college course in 'convential' nutrition.


Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Gum ingredient /may/ cause cancer.

OTTAWA — A substance used to make chewing gum could soon be declared toxic by the federal government after an international agency found that it might cause cancer in lab rats.

On May 17, the government will publish a list of 17 substances that may be labeled as toxic in a draft report on risk assessment. Acetic acid ethenyl ester, or vinyl acetate — commonly used as a base in some chewing gums — could be on that list, Health Canada said Monday.

The substance is a colourless liquid with a strong, sweet scent that can be used as a flavouring agent. When made into a polymer, it becomes useful in the production of chewing gum.

Read entire article

"Kevin Trudeau wrote a book called “Natural cures that THEY don`t want you to know about”. In it. he goes into depth on the many toxins being added to our food and drinks. He tells of many ways to cleanse your body of these toxic chemicals, and how we need to eat organic food only.

The FTC, FDA, and pharmaceutical companies, are working together to make us all sick, so they can sell us their drugs that make us sicker. It`s all about the money and population reduction. READ THE BOOK or go to "

If anyone needs the book, message me.

Friday, 5 February 2010

AIDS: The Greatest Deadly Lie in the History of Medicine.

Mankind is facing a new threat of swine flu. A few years earlier, bird flu and SARS caused panic all over the world. AIDS has been on the top of the list of “scary” diseases for thirty years...

Read the full Article from Russian diary PRAVDA.

Please watch the video below :)

Zbigniew Brzezinski is "Deeply Troubled" by the "Massive Global Political Awakening" deterring the advancement of Globalization.

The co-founder of The Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski the real power behind Obama.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Verichip is now called PositiveID! Roll up your sleeve for the implantable human microchip, it’s now Positive?

As sure as the sun rises, so Verichip keeps spawning and shape shifting to gain market acceptance as people from across the globe unite and reject the IBM seed-funded, Raytheon-manufactured Human Implantable microchip company.

To “mark’ a new year, Verichip is now called PositiveID!. If you have followed this company’s progress as we have and cited the damning evidence showcasing a casual link between microchipping and cancer⁴, Verichip is certainly not positive. But in this world of semantics and double speak, no doubt a CEO meeting along with other top execs decided that throwing the word “Positive” in the title would make Alzheimer patients who get microchipped without their consent less hesitant as their sleeve was rolled up in the name of “wander protection’. “Was that a needle?” asks the patient? “No! it was a mosquito bite, you have Alzheimer’s, remember?”

What has changed in 2010? Continue reading to figure out.

Don't be feeble minded, DO NOT take it.